Why learn German?

German is a language which has some similarities with English as some of the words are similar.  It's  a useful language to learn for your future job.   And there are lots of lovely places to visit in Germany.

a German lake with houses in the background
a German town

What's the best way to learn German?


To learn a foreign lanuage it's useful to learn lots of nouns.  Nouns are the words for people, animals, places and things.   Examples of nouns include a cat,  a banana and a coat.  There are lots of ways to learn new words, and we learn best when we are interested and having fun.  So why not try a variety of the suggestions below?


Choose a topic, for example colours or pet animals.

Learn a few words each time you study German. How many words you choose to learn is up to you! Everyone is different. I would recommend anything from 3 - 10 words each time you study, depending on how much time you have or how easily you remember the words. The thing that’s great about learning languages is that there is no right or wrong amount of words you should learn each time you study. It’s whatever you are happy with. I always find it’s easier to learn words in a foreign language if you learn them as a topic as you can then go on to build sentences with these words and your word lists are easier to refer back to. It’s important to keep looking back at the words you have learnt so that you don’t forget them.

Book cover of Young Cool Kids Learn German has a winking face and the background is black, red and gold like the German flag

Young Cool Kids Learn German has been written for 5 - 7 year olds learning German. This book introduces and practices 4 or 5 words per topic.  Each  topic practices just a few words at a time so as to embed these words in the children’s memory.  The fun activities include circling the correct word, matching the words to pictures by drawing a line, word searches and copying or writing just a few words per page.


Topics: Numbers, The teddy bear’s picnic, Greetings, Colours, Farm animals, The garden, Toys, Ice creams.

Cool Kids Speak German has 6 lovely topics in each book, and each topic starts with a picture page showing all the words for that topic. Progression throughout each topic has been carefully planned as the activities practice the new words, and then introduce gradually simple sentence  structures.  Finally there is an enjoyable word search in an eye catching shape.  Each topic has 6 - 8 pages.  There are 3 books in the series Cool Kids Speak German.   The suggested age range is 7 - 11 year olds.


Book cover of Cool Kids Speak German Book 1 with a big smiley face. Background is black, red and gold like the German flag

Topics in book 1

  • Greetings
  • Numbers
  • Fruit
  • Colours
  • Clothes
  • Transport
The cover of Cool Kids Speak German Book 2 has a big smiley face with the background in the colours of the German flag

Topics in book 2

  • Pet animals
  • Numbers 11-20
  • Sport
  • Weather
  • Drinks
  • House
The cover of the third book in the series Cool Kids Speak German has a big smiley face on a black, red and gold background

Topics in book 3

  • Things for school
  • Numbers 21 - 40
  • Months of the year
  • Family
  • Food
  • School subjects

There's lots of fun things you can do to  help you remember and practice the words you are learning. 

Here are some enjoyable ideas:

Why don’t you try the following?:


Create your own poster with the new German words written on it and proudly display it on the fridge or in your room.   Each topic in the books Cool Kids Speak German begins with a page full of images and the words in German for that topic.  You could copy the words and images from one of these pages, or choose your own words.

Choose some pretty coloured pencils or pens and practice writing the new words in your best hand writing.

Play Guess the word Game by looking choosing a word from the topic, and someone else has to guess what the word is. If you are using Cool Kids Speak German, you could look at the first page for each topic for inspiration about what word to choose / to guess what it is.

Make German-English word cards by cutting up a piece of card into approximately 5 cm x 3 cm rectangles. Ask an adult to be around while using scissors.  On one side write the German word, on the other side write the English word.  Test yourself on the words by looking at one side of the card,  and saying what the word is in the Foreign language.


And finally.....


Once you have learnt some nouns (words for things) you can then learn how to build simple sentences.  The books in the range Cool Kids Speak German introduce and practice the words for each topic, then sentences are built using these words.


Learning a language is fun, a bit like putting together the pieces in an amazing jigsaw puzzle and before you know it, you are making something really impressive.


Once you can put together you own sentences you can speak German, and that is a good skill to have.

Example of how words can be like jigsaw pieces to make sentences

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